PT Flexindomas


DR2 Series AZ

The DRS2 Series are compact linear actuators equipped with the hybrid control systerm αSTEP Series. The linear motion mechanism delivers motion unique to the AZ Seris equipped with hyprid control systerm αSTEP battery-less absolute sensor.

Enhanced Pushing Features
The DRS2 Series simply switches to pushing after completing positioning. In addition, you can easily change the push force and time. Low speed pushing is possible as it can be set to approach the load at high speed and reduce the speed immediately before touching it and push at a lower speed.

Spacing saving and wire saving with ABZO sensor
The compact body allows downsized lightweight equipment as it does not require a home sensor with the equipped ABZO sensor. It contributes to saving further space and reducing wiring of the equipment, and avoids regular maintenance and issues that arise when using a home sensor.

Compatible Network Types
The motor part adopts the αSTEP AZ series equipped with ABZO encoders that do not require batteries making it compatible with major FA networks used all over world, and contributes to centralized management of device information and reduced wiring. Compatible Networks includes EtherCat, EtherNet/IP, Profinet, Mechatrolink-III, SSCNETII/H, ModBus (RTU)